Exams & PTA
The final exam in secondary education consists of the school examination (also known as PTA or SE) and the central written exam (CE). The PTA starts in the examination year. In the pre-exam year, there may be tests, practical assignments or a portfolio that are already part of the school exam. Before 1 October, all exam students receive their PTA (programme of examination and conclusion), which lists the SE’s that will be taken.
The CE is the same nationwide for all pupils of the same type of education. Students are given the same exam questions for their compulsory subjects and electives. The central exam is always at the end of the last school year. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science sets the central exam. For questions about the exam or the pta, contact the exam board: examen@grotius-lvo.nl

Exam mavo
Pupils at Grotius College take central examinations in seven subjects, unless it is not in the student's interest. The student then takes exams in six subjects and chooses their subjects at the end of year three.
The subjects offered are: Dutch, English, German, Spanish, economics, history, biology, physics, fine arts, mathematics, sports & exercise, civics.

Exams havo and vwo
Havo and vwo pupils choose a profile at the end of year 3:
Four different profiles:
There are 2 types of subjects within these profiles: compulsory subjects, which are the same for all students, and electives, which are different for students.

Examination regulations
The rules concerning the PTA and the CE, the rules concerning the organisation of the CE, the conditions and possibilities of resit or catching up the PTA and the rules and measures concerning irregularities are described in the exam-regulations.
For more information about the final exam
For more information on the final exam:

Programmes of examination and conclusion

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