Involvement in education takes place through the participation council, the student council and through coffee mornings where round-table discussions are organised.
Each school year, the planned meetings of the participation and student councils are included in the annual calendar. Each body has a permanent member of the school management as its contact person.

The participation council
The participation council of Grotius College consists of a staff delegation (PMR, with teachers and support staff), a parent delegation (with as much proportional representation from the departments and years of study as possible) and a student delegation (with as much proportional representation from the departments and years of study, from year 3 onwards).
For more information, please send an e-mail to:

The student council
The pupil council consists of pupils from all year layers (and preferably from all classes). The pupil council works as a sounding board group. Eéonce a month a meeting takes place. If issues come up or change, this is submitted to the pupil council. Members are also asked to provide agenda items if they want to discuss issues.
For more information:

There is still so much to discover…
At Grotius we help you discover where your passion lies and support you in your development towards further education. Are you ready for the next step? Then we grow with you. Welcome to Grotius.