
After school

We offer such things as (free) homework help, exam training and have a rich after-school offer consisting of music, chess, debating and enterprise. You can read on the images where and when these take place and how a student can apply for them. Our Grootz programme is for pupils who learn faster on average and need more challenge and depth in the same class time.



Do you sometimes find lessons at school hard to follow or, on the contrary, way too easy?
Do you want to discover more and learn in your own way? Then Grootz is for you!

Whether you like science, art, language, or something completely different, at Grootz you will discover new ways to learn and challenge yourself. Here you are allowed to experiment, explore and make mistakes… everything you need to grow.

This is where you can learn, explore and make mistakes.

What can you expect?
Two afternoons a week you will have the opportunity to work on challenging themes’s that go beyond the standard curriculum. Here, we stimulate your curiosity and let you discover how to learn best. We offer you a safe and
inspiring environment, where, together with other students, you can develop your talents.

Every Wednesday and Thursday from 13:00 to 15:30.
Start date: 11 September 2024.

Click here to sign up!

Global Exploration Foundation

Global Exploration Foundation

Foundation Global Exploration (SGE) aims to help Dutch youngsters discover the world, especially developing countries, and thus change their behaviour. So SGE organises various projects in developing countries for education.

For schools, we offer the Global Challenge. Various global citizenship projects that show pupils the world. Fun, educational and substantive. Next year, Global Exploration Foundation will organise an internship to India. The preparation and internship will focus on world citizenship and interculturalism. Young people not only learn to discover their own qualities, but also work on skills that are important in the 21st century.

Euroregional projects

Euroregional projects

The Grotius College lies within the Meuse Rhine Euregion (EMR); a special location within a region with three officialële national languages. This fact makes it not only necessary, but above all possible, for pupils to be brought into natural contact with neighbouring languages from an early age and to learn to connect with peers from the Euregio with the aim of reducing intercultural differences. Adequate attention to this region will give you better opportunities on the Euroregional study and labour market.

The Grotius College has a number of partner schools in the region. Every year, in cooperation with schools from Belgiumë (e.g. Go XL from Hasselt)  and Germany (Paul Julius Berufskolleg) , documentaries are made with a topical theme. There is also a focus on excursions to euregional “Lernorte” such as Camp Vogelsang in the Eifel and Eben Emael in Maastricht . As a Euregio profile school, Grotius College is a catalyst for various euregional projects, such as the Free Being 2020 project, which resulted in winning the Limburg Education Prize. Or the Euroregional Climate Debate 2022, which itself won a European Citizens Prize. This school year, our school is organising the Euregional Freedom Debate in Brunssum. In short, active citizenship starts in one's own environment. 

There is still so much to discover…

At Grotius we help you discover where your passion lies and support you in your development towards further education. Are you ready for the next step? Then we grow with you. Welcome to Grotius.