

The Grotius College is a school where we offer more than just tuition. We help you with your studies and provide you with smart tools so that you enjoy learning and grow with confidence. At our school, we have an eye for each other and focus on what you need. We give you opportunities and teach you to make the most of them. There is still so much to discover…

Growth and development comes from the following core values:

Every student at our school has a coach with whom you can discuss anything. Our students report that it is nice that they have someone at school to whom they can turn with all their questions.

During your high school years, you will learn a lot. Learning is done through discovery where making mistakes does not matter. Together we will look at what you need to eventually not only get your diploma but also make independent choices. At Grotius, you will get the chance to make the most of your knowledge and talents, with our help where needed.

Learning is done by discovery, where mistakes are a problem.

More than just classes
In addition to regular classes, we offer various extracurricular activities and there is a weekly after-school programme that every pupil can take advantage of free of charge. These include chess, the choir and sports. We also offer practicals for all pupils such as homework help and exam training.

We are a small school where everyone is part of a close-knit learning community and where you are seen. The small scale ensures that you know everyone personally and connect quickly.

There is still so much to discover…

At Grotius we help you discover where your passion lies and support you in your development towards further education. Are you ready for the next step? Then we grow with you. Welcome to Grotius.