Frequently asked questions
Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our school. Whether you want to know more about our programmes, application procedures, school rules, or practical matters such as books and timetable changes, you have come to the right place. We have clearly arranged the questions to help you find the information you are looking for as quickly as possible.
Is your question not here?
Please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help you!
Frequently asked questions students:
How long do lessons last? What does a class day look like?
Do you get a lot of homework?
What does a coach do?
What can you do after school?
Do you have a lot of layovers?
Can I leave the schoolyard during breaks or intervals?
Can I use my phone at school?
Can I get extra tutoring for a subject I find difficult?
What can you do in the learning plaza or support plaza?
How can Grotius College be reached by public transport?
Frequently asked questions parents:
How does 'the broad bridge class' work at Grotius College?
How can I report my son or daughter sick?
Can I see my child's grades?
What does a coach do?
How is the contact with the coach?
How do I get textbooks and a laptop?
Is there a support team at school for care pupils and what support is provided?
What is being done about bullying?
Does the school provide homework help?
Where can I order a gym shirt for my son or daughter?

There is still so much to discover…
At Grotius we help you discover where your passion lies and support you in your development towards further education. Are you ready for the next step? Then we grow with you. Welcome to Grotius.