We understand that illness is sometimes unavoidable and pupils may need occasional leave of absence. We are committed to the welfare of our students and strive to provide a supportive environment even during times of illness or absence.
Through your parent account, you can log into the student information system called: Somtoday. Within this system, you can see your child's attendance. The absence overview on a mobile phone is less clear than on a computer. Our advice is to log in via a computer. You can request your parent account details by emailing m.waasdorp@stichtinglvo.nl
The codes below may be found in your child's absence record:
Code: | State for: | Explanation: |
BE | External guidance | Pupil has appointment outside school with, for example, a psychologist. |
BI | Guidance intern | Pupil has an appointment at school with, for example, school social work. |
EA | Extra activity | E.g. the trips abroad or the internship week. |
LE | LE removal | Pupil has been removed from class |
MB | Medical counselling | Pupil has a medical appointment |
ON | Unknown | Pupil is absent without notification. |
SC | Suspension | Pupil is suspended |
SP | SP | Pupil played truant |
TO | Too late unauthorised | Pupil is late without valid reason |
VE | Vacation | Pupil has been granted leave by the rector or absence coördinator. |
VP | Travel issues | Pupil cannot be at school on time or not present due to transport problems |
VR | Exemption | Pupil has been granted exemption for a particular section or subject. |
ZK | Sick | Pupil has been reported sick by parents/carers |

Calling in sick
If the student is sick, the parent(s)/carer(s) should report their child sick via Somtoday before 9.30 a.m.
.Pupils going home sick should first report to the receptionist. The parent(s)/carer(s) then report by phone that the student has arrived home.

Reporting sick leave and other absences
Before the pupil returns to lessons, parents/carers should submit a betermelding. This can be done through the parent account of Somtoday.
Other absences can also be reported through the parent account of Somtoday, such as medical attendance (MB) and transport problems (VP). All absences must be reported within 48 hours according to ESL guidelines. If an appointment is known in advance, please report it immediately.

Adjusted schedule
If a student is eligible for a modified timetable, you can request this via e-mail from the team leader and support coördinator.

Requesting leave
Eéone day:you can contact the team leader for this by sending an email.
Multiple days:this can be done by contacting the rector.
If you would like more information for leave outside school holidays, please find below a link with more information.

Compulsory education
Pupils aged 5 to 16 are subject to compulsory education. Young people aged between 16 and 18 who have not yet obtained a starting qualification are subject to qualification requirements. A starting qualification is at least a havo, vwo or mbo level 2 diploma.
If a pupil is late or truant too often, the school has an obligation to report to compulsory education. Parents/carers will be notified in writing.
Pupils who are late 3 times without a valid reason must corvée at school two mornings at 8:00 am. When a student is 6x late, parents/carers will receive a warning letter from school. If a pupil is regularly late, the school is obliged to pass this on to the truancy officer of the ESL office. Our truancy officer Ms Dian Cordewener is present at Grotius every Monday. In response to a DUO report, the truancy officer will enter into a discussion with the pupil.
If a pupil plays truant, this pupil will make up the hour twice. During these catch-up hours, the student will write penalty work (school regulations).
For more information on ESL, please visit:
Conveyance problems:
If a pupil misses a lesson too often due to transport problems, this can be seen by compulsory education as a form of truancy and a meeting may follow.

Youth doctor
We use the MAZL criteria at Grotius. MAZL stands for More Attention to Pupils Absenteeism. With MAZL, there is a proactive response to absenteeism signals. School, JGZ organisations and municipalities work together autonomously to quickly recognise the problem and provide an appropriate solution.
By using the MAZL criteria, four absenteeism reports in 12 weeks or a seventh consecutive school day, worrying absenteeism is signalled early. When this is the case, the school engages with the pupil and parents. The aim is to work with them to see how the school can support.
If necessary, the school requests a MAZL consultation from the youth doctor. The youth doctor discusses and examines the pupil's health complaints and reasons for absenteeism. Together with the pupil and parents, the desired guidance or care is determined. The youth physician also advises on participation and desired adjustments to the curriculum and educational activities. To this end, the youth doctor makes a ‘plan of approach’together with pupil and parents.
If the absenteeism continues unnecessarily, the school asks the compulsory school attendance officer to think along and, if necessary, enforce compulsory school attendance

There is still so much to discover…
At Grotius we help you discover where your passion lies and support you in your development towards further education. Are you ready for the next step? Then we grow with you. Welcome to Grotius.